The Cedar grant

The Cedar Grant was established in 2022 due to a generous and anonymous donation provided by a Northwest PANDAS family. This generous donor had a desire to establish a grant fund to be made available to other Northwest PANDAS/PANS families in need of financial support for the purposes of accessing treatments.

The Western Red Cedar was chosen as our grant symbol because of its deep roots in the Northwest. It is also known as the ‘tree of life’ because it is believed to offer many healing qualities, such as providing strength to those who merely rest against it. 


o   Resident of Oregon, Washington or Idaho

o   Diagnosed with PANDAS/PANS by a qualified provider and actively under their care (MD, ND, DO, PA-C, or NP). 

o   25 y.o. or younger

o   Demonstrated financial need

2024 application cycle DATES


Open: April 4th, 2025 Close: May 9th, 2025 Notification: May 23rd, 2025

Open: October 3rd, 2025 Close: November 7th, 2025 Notification: November 21st, 2025

 All parts of the application and supporting letters must be received by the deadline date in order to be considered. 

 Be sure to apply early so we can ensure your application is complete before the deadline.


Grants are awarded in incremental amounts of $500. The current maximum amount of a grant is $2500 per individual. Questions about grants can be emailed to

Please see the below list of FAQs that may answer your questions. 


What expenses does a grant cover? 

o   A grant covers expenses relating to the treatment of PANS & PANDAS. This includes medication, supplements, doctor visits, lab testing, and/or alternative practitioners (acupuncture, myofascial release). Should other PANS/PANDAS expenses arise, NWPPN will review on a case-by-case basis. 

o The purpose of grant funds is to allow for continued treatment with a look back period of 3 months from award date for UNPAID eligible expenses.

What treatments do grant funds not cover?

o   Non evidence based treatments such as homeopathy, ozone therapy, muscle testing, energy work, etc

o Grants may not be used for anyone other than the grant recipient and their care related to PANDAS/PANS. Grants may not be used for food, rent or mortgage expenses. 

What is the maximum grant?

o   $2500 per individual per application period 

How is grant money allocated and what are the reporting requirements?

o   NWPPN will release all of the grant money upon application approval. In order to remain eligible for future awards, all receipts for grant money must be submitted to NWPPN for the amount allocated prior to being considered for an additional application period as well as the impact statement.

o   Grant recipients must agree to submit an impact statement following their scholarship award that can be shared with potential donors, the NWPPN BOD and anonymously on social media/website. 

How does the application process work?

o   NWPPN uses a HIPAA compliant online application system. To apply, you must submit an application form, upload tax documents and provide a medical provider attestation (only if this is your first time applying). If you are a returning applicant, you will need to submit evidence of your continued care under a treating PANDAS/PANS provider (such as a visit summary, etc.) You will be notified of the decision via email on the notification dates specified above with 7 days to respond and accept.

Do I need to apply again if I already have in the past?

o   Yes, for each new year we do require a new application. If you wish to apply for the 2nd application period in the same year, you do NOT need to reapply but will need to attest that nothing has changed in your financial situation and provide an update on your child/adolescent/adult’s progress.

I have more than one child struggling with PANS/PANDAS. How do I apply?

o   A separate application must be submitted for each applicant.

What is required for the medical provider’s attestation?

o   NWPPN Board of Directors will determine medical eligibility with the help of the applicant’s treating US medical provider. The medical provider’s letter must meet the following requirements:

o   Addressed to NWPPN BOD

o   Written on their letterhead

o   Signed by the medical provider

o   Confirm the diagnosis of PANS/PANDAS

o   State applicant’s name, date of birth and provide a brief case overview

o   A treating provider is defined as an MD, ND, DO, PA-C or NP. The grant application is not complete and eligible for consideration by the Board of Directors until we receive the provider’s letter.


Should I check in with NWPPN on the status of my application?

o   Please do not check with NWPPN on the status of your application unless you do not receive a confirmation email after you have submitted your application. Thank you for your consideration.


How will I know if I will be awarded a grant? 

o   NWPPN will email each applicant on the notification dates specified in the Application Deadlines section.

Can I re-apply if I was already awarded a previous grant?

o   Yes, you remain eligible to apply again for consideration if you have accounted for all grant funds previously awarded by the submission of one email documenting this (send to and have submitted an impact statement. You do not need to re-apply if the next application period is in the same year.