My Kid is Not Crazy documentary trailer by Tim Sorel
Brain on Fire Trailer
Available through Netflix
SANE Sweden International PANS Conference 2019 Pooling Knowledge-Day 1, Lecture #1 DEFINITION OF PANS/PANDAS: SYMPTOMS, GRADES OF SEVERITY AND TYPES OF DISEASE TRAJECTORIES Kiki Chang, MD, Child, Adolescent, and Adult Psyc...
SANE Sweden International PANS Conference 2019 Pooling Knowledge-Day 1, Lecture #3 DISORDERED EATING IN CHILDREN AND ADOLESCENTS WITH PANS Cynthia Kapphahn, MD, MPH, Clinical Professor, Division of Adolescent Medicine, Sta...
NE PANS/PANDAS Parent Association Conference November 2013 Dr. Beth Latimer The Spectrum of PANDAS: One Size Does Not FIt All.
"The Brain, the Immune System and Encephalopathy" Dr. Melanie Burgos-Alarcio, Pediatric Neurologist, Leading PANDAS/PANS Physician For more information on PA...