The most important thing is for you to know YOU ARE NOT ALONE. There are many of us who have healed our children or are continuing to heal our children. If you are new to this, some of the best advice we have received when first beginning this journey is to prepare yourself for a marathon.

You can do this.

See below for information on how to find a treating provider, where you can locate community support and relevant books.


Pacific northwest


  • Finding a competent PANDAS/PANS provider

    • For a list of medically competent PANDAS/PANS providers please email us. In order to protect providers privacy we do not post their names publicly.

    • DO NOT ASSUME YOUR PEDIATRICIAN OR FAMILY MEDICINE PROVIDER KNOWS HOW TO SCREEN, DIAGNOSE OR TREAT PANDAS/PANS. Most medical providers are not yet taught about P/P during their medical school education. Do not let their lack of knowledge or dismissive response deter you from pursuing a knowledgeable evaluation for your child. If you are referred to someone who you’ve been told is a PANDAS/PANS provider, check with us FIRST to make sure that is accurate. Unfortunately, there are some providers who are considered ‘specialists’ in our area who are truly not well versed in the diagnostic and treatment guidelines.

    • Alternatively, use the Northwest PANDAS/PANS Parents Facebook group to obtain parent feedback on current providers in our region.

  • Emergency Care/Hospitals-We are working at this time to identify hospitals and emergency rooms that are sensitive to, and knowledgeable of or able to treat PANDAS/PANS. Many families have reported unsatisfactory experiences at local Emergency Rooms for their PANDAS/PANS children. However, if your situation is a life-threatening emergency for you or your child, please call 911 or seek help at your nearest Emergency Room.

Connection and support

Social Media: a plethora of support and information

Support Group Meetings: local gathering of parents/caregivers of children with P/P, details available via our newsletter emails and our public facing Facebook page

  • Portland

  • Tacoma, WA

  • Seattle, WA

  • Virtual
